THE GUARD – White (Genesis Token)
Back in 1997 I received an invitation to take part in the “Monument of Tolerance” competition, organized by the European Academy of Science and the Arts.
In this internationally high-profile project, the task was to erect a 60-meter-high sculpture on the Untersberg.
For the presentation I had constructed a digital “GUARD”. The winning project for the Monument of Tolerance by Peter Eisenman / New York was unfortunately never realized. But the world needs him more than ever, the “GUARD OF TOLERANCE” – Therefore this early 3D model, reworked and perfected for the Web3, now becomes my NFT Genesis collection.

The first NFT collection drop contains 100 guardians, each numbered and therefore unique, ready for the Metaverse. Ready for more tolerance?
The white guardian symbolizes the first phase of the guardians, only whitelisted people get access before we release it to the public. In this phase, a virtual experience with a 60-meter-tall Guardian titled “Monument of Tolerance” will be realized to give a first glimpse of what further drops and possibilities await you with the Guardians. The Genesis Guardian is the opportunity to be among the first to gain access to the THE GUARD project and to take the first step into the new era of Web3 together with the artist.
The NFT includes
- 3D Artwork for use in virtual spaces – Metaverse
- Digital Art to view in any browser in high quality
- VIP Access to the NFT project THE GUARD
- Access to the GUARD-Discord channel
- Free access to future Airdrops
- Earlier access to selected drops
- Access to digital events and exhibitions
- Purchase digital Artworks as a print with 10% discount
- Access to the lottery to win a real guard